
Showing posts from December, 2018

42 Days or 6 Weeks? Ready. Set. Go!

What are you doing for your health now that it is ALMOST January - the New Year?  Hello Inspired One! It's ALMOST Planuary!    We are all excited for the hype of the holidays and then POOF!  Over. Done. Fin!  But honestly, what is going to change and when are you going to begin?  I know after this year of some challenges, I am ready to get back on track and STAY there!  We will learn a lot about ourselves and each other and to have a support outlet is invaluable to your growth...and "loss". This rate applies to private partnering and group Clear through the holiday clutter and leftovers to get back on your game! Start date??  JANUARY 2, 2019 We start January 2nd. Yes that’s right. No extra weekend to get prepared we start right then and there greeting 2019 as your most amazing year yet! If you have 6 weeks or 42 days - whatever sounds better, I can help you stay connected and committed. So let’s get that o...