
2021 Real & Authentic Health (RealHealthyAF) - Weekly Inspiration I, July 5, 2021

Happy July! It has been quite the start to 2021....what about you? In the throws of working on my own health and wellness and finding work/life balance has been feeling a little like climbing Mount Everest - and I have not done that, soooooooo a bad comparison, but maybe better to say, seems insurmountable.  This month always speeds by for me.  Lots of important dates.  Family - grand-kids, nieces, Mom, and other family member birthdays and the remembering that my Mom and Dad would have celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary this year, if Dad were still here I wonder what they would have done to honor all those years together!  Well, he IS still here, in spirit...always.  Not just on the marked holidays or important dates. June has felt like my January for the last several years.  Trying to come down from the holiday fun and chaos and adopting the term "Planuary" for my own...makes sense, right?  We need a few weeks to get back into a groove -...

2020 Real & Authentic Health - Weekly Inspiration IV, February 10, 2020

Goodbye Planuary.......Hello Fabulous February!  Now the real "work" begins, right?  Well, I would like to take a different look at how we look at the year that passed, the year that is here and now and what we feel is going to be different.  I have LOTS of ideas and goals, intentions, plans and "new rules" for myself.  I won't bore you with all of them but areas like, setting boundaries within and also with those in my life and professionally. Self-Wellness and accountability for that wellness, a little more practice what I "preach" and a little less "loosening of my reins.  I always joke that I can eat salad at home when I am eating out, but apparently I have not had enough salads at home.  Having said that, I am not an absolutist, but I can recognize within where the deficits are relative to taking care of myself. I succumbed to my full-time role with a Health Tech Company I have been with for two years, and loving it, but also, givi...

2020 Real & Authentic Health - Weekly Inspiration IV, January 27, 2020

Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!!  Planuary is almost over!  I tend to take January to retreat a bit, rest, make some plans, sort through things and thoughts, events, situations, people, places and things. Now that February is literally a few days from now, I feel a sense of renewal, letting go of 2019 and actually many years prior that have kept me stagnant.  Stagnant in feelings, holding onto experiences that have shaped who I am, (and all experiences are designed for growth and evolving) and forgetting to be true to myself if that means coming off in a way that is not working for other people and situations in my life. I feel pretty strongly that everyone should be living their most authentic is a dream sometimes to be able to have that feeling, liberation, to just "BE" is not easy or everyone would be doing it.  What it feels like these days, in our culture, is that no one feels they need a filter.  People just say whatever is on ...

2020 Real & Authentic Health - Weekly Inspiration III, Week of January 20, 2020

Well hello!!   A little behind this week.  Has that ever happened to you?  You have a great plan and then something gets in the way and then one more thing, and another and another...... Good thing this week’s pose is Tree Pose…..If this doesn’t get you balanced and grounded, well… just should is all.  My life and work do go hand in hand. I work every day finding balance in some way, shape or form, and to also model my goals that I have for my clients.  That does not mean I do not enjoy the occasional cocktail, bubbles or wine….in addition, perhaps a semi-indulgent meal. That said, I work to adhere to the 80/20 rule – this means, to me, I am mindful during the weekdays but the weekends allow me, as in, I allow me, to relax the restraints a little and yes sometimes I go a little overboard….BUT I am finished, and have been for a while, apologizing to myself, or anyone else for that matter, NOR do I feel like I need to explain myself, in many areas o...

2020 - Real & Authentic Health - Weekly Inspiration II, January 14, 2020

Inspired Thoughts… The first part of the year is equally refreshing and frustrating. So many things we have committed to and yet we wait for the new year to have a clean slate.  Everyone is "detoxing" or "cleansing"  and that is totally awesome!  Sometimes a reset is just what one needs. will you not only detox your body but also detox your stress of the "to-do's" you place on your shoulders? I am just an email or call away. If you want to jazz up your water a little bit today, feel free to infuse it with fresh fruit, cucumbers or fresh herbs. This can be a refreshing way to make sure you’re getting your water. Here’s how: first, if you’re not using organic produce, be sure to peel off the skin. Wash it well to get off any residue. If you’re using larger produce (like pineapple or cucumbers), cut it into small pieces. Simply add about ¼ cup (you don’t need much!) into your water, and if you have some on-hand, you can add ...

2020 and Beyond......Weekly Inspiration Volume I

Inspired Thoughts……Yoga Pose of the Week............... As you open your heart in this week’s pose, open your mind and allow a new perspective to be seen. As we become more comfortable in our own lives, we also lean toward a narrowing perspective and thought process. We usually do not even realize that we become stuck in our own beliefs, which, is a positive – yet we can be so tightly connected to our own that we dismiss other’s. Be open to new experiences – of course, they must feel right to you – but the more we try to leave the comfort zone, the more we learn and begin to appreciate others and our world more. NAMASTE and have a BEAUTIFUL week! Mindi Greetings!  From today and beyond, you’re going to feel lighter, leaner, more energized, and overall feeling AMAZING.  Keeping an open mind to the new year (and beyond) will help you take stock in what is left in 2019, what you brought with you, and what is still to be discovered. This is the time o...

WHAT is holding you back? Do you want REAL HEALTH???? Read on.......especially for the SERIOUS promotions all month long!

Hey there - yes, it's me, again, and, yes, it HAS been a while. I have been sealed up in what has become the corporate environment for a while and I am finally back! We are about to wrap up the holidays and 2019. It is a time of overindulgence of everything including food and drink. It is also a time to reconnect with family and friends, reflect on the year - the ups and downs and find the gratitude in all of it. It is a time to reset and recharge for the new year. Closing the 2019 chapter and creating the next one in 2020. The New Year brings many "resolutions" - "This year I will................." and "I will never eat, drink, say, or do that again." NOT REALISTIC right? Not fun either. And really, all of the New Year New Me junk is just that - junk. What you eat does not define you, how often you get to HIIT class or climb a mountain does not make you better than everyone else. It is a very personal part of us. What, you ask? ...