Back to Normal??? A NEW Normal

Since I’m just getting back to normal (see my previous blogs and posts) January’s theme for new years   guidance is kind of rolling over into February.

What are your New Year’s challenges—do we still call them New Year’s resolutions?  I don’t know, I’ve change those words over the years...intentions, plans, goals, aspirations,  things to accomplish.  Doesn’t matter,  it’s a clean slate and you are allowed and encouraged leave whatever didn’t get finished behind and begin again. Even if it’s the same goal. Start fresh!

Let’s hit the Nutrition component.

Tis the month of January to cleanse, detox, to get totally obsessed with workouts, new trends, juicing, smoothies, no meats, more meat, more vegetables, no sugar, caffeine, alcohol. Everything.  It’s all good, all of that! Though, to a point.  Don’t obsess.

I have had a lot of time to think the last five weeks and as much as I guide my clients to NOT obsess over these things,  I still fall into the trappings of thinking I have to do it all at once and perfectly.

It’s kind of how are wired. We’re so used to seeing the latest trends from the media and magazines. what we should do, shouldn’t do. We are guilted into things, we listen to strangers saying they’re experts and they’re selling products that are supposed to help you lose weight, burn fat, a magic pill or program that does everything fast. That’s then mistake. If it happens too fast it’s not sustainable.

And what I’m trying to explain is that we base so much of our own individual success on what the media tells us and they’re not really helping us get deep within ourselves. Our own unique personalities and qualities and gifts.  Because at the end of the day you are all you’ve got. I mean of course   family, friends, relationships and we all want to be engaging life not just going   through the motions

Bottom line? Start slowly and really devise a plan relative to your dietary and your lifestyle. If it’s less sugar, no sugar, that’s your call but ease into it. Some people can quit cold turkey but I guarantee you, You  will have sustainable long-term success with your new healthy habit if you bring in better resources of natural sugars and doing that will crowd out processed refined sugars.

If you’re doing a cleanse be sure you find one that provides nourishment while you are detoxing. You should not be starving or passing out from hunger fatigue!


If you’re getting back to working out or taking it on after a “leave of absence”or just starting for the first time,   know your abilities but eve more no your limitations.  Talk to your medical/health practitioner to be sure you are ready to begin something new.  Start slow and add in new things as you go. Too often we start out a new workout plan and we go overboard, then we don’t do anything for weeks because  of injuries or strains or just plain old pain and we never  go back.  Just dip your toe in, give it time and see what you enjoy the most!  Remember, the best exercise is the one that you will do!

Tune in Next Time.........
I will be talking about adrenal fatigue in my next blog. This is something I have experienced. I was able to repair and recover and due to my own stressors and circumstances they are exhausted again and I know why.  Adrenal fatigue syndrome is something any of us can experience. And many don’t even know they have this issue.  There are a lot of great things you can do to help yourself and once you know that  the problem is adrenal fatigue you’ll be amazed at how things will change for the better. your adrenals are one of the controllers of your body, and your hormones and how you feel emotionally, how you respond to stress—-emotionally and physically—- it’s a really important topic and it can really create barriers to your healthy lifestyle goals.  I want to share as much as I can with you so look for the next blog about adrenal fatigue syndrome. I would love questions, anyone to share their experiences if they are dealing with this or have dealt with this in the past. Remember this is a community and you can help somebody who maybe at the very beginning of trying to understand what this means and how to manage it and repair it.

Have a wonderful weekend and please let me know what your questions are about any of the topics I discuss.  I appreciate you and your support!!

Be Well and Be Inspired, Mindi
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