2020 Real & Authentic Health - Weekly Inspiration IV, January 27, 2020
Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!! Planuary is almost over! I tend to take January to retreat a bit, rest, make some plans, sort through things and thoughts, events, situations, people, places and things. Now that February is literally a few days from now, I feel a sense of renewal, letting go of 2019 and actually many years prior that have kept me stagnant. Stagnant in feelings, holding onto experiences that have shaped who I am, (and all experiences are designed for growth and evolving) and forgetting to be true to myself if that means coming off in a way that is not working for other people and situations in my life. I feel pretty strongly that everyone should be living their most authentic lives....it is a dream sometimes to be able to have that feeling, liberation, to just "BE"...it is not easy or everyone would be doing it. What it feels like these days, in our culture, is that no one feels they need a filter. People just say whatever is on ...